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INTRODUCING - The Unplugged Subscription

Time Flies Avionics Event: Ticket & Box- Only 21 tickets available!


For the Time Flies Avionics event, we’ll be decorating a bespoke, locally made wooden map and wiring it to create our own light circuit with light up time zones! 

Wooden time zone map with cities burnt in
Decorate the world and insert your own light circuit so it can hang in your house!


For this reason, this event will include the box as part of the price. Purchasing it this way will allow you to take home a box filled with games, activities and recipes to keep you going after the event.

What’s included?

🔺a Bermuda Triangle lost plane game🔺

✈️Jet Lag Smoothie ✈️

🎛️a Radar pin you can wear with pride.. and more!🎛️

University of Liverpool student engineers have worked with us on this and will be helping us on the 9th to answer any of your plane questions!

The event + box is the same amount as you’d pay for a single box (but you get 2 hours with fun Engineers included)!

* Ticket price is for 1 child/ young person  (adults are free) *