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Bike Realities & Boxes: Crowdfunder Update & Stretch for Boxes

Mother and child working together on Space Box content

We’ve done it! We’ve smashed our target with a few hours to spare! Thank you–it really means a lot that you believe in what we do and want to help out. We’ve put a ‘stretch’ target for the last day to raise funding for free boxes for those on the CAMHS waiting list: approximately 125 […]

More than just a bike… why our Crowdfunder helps families

Picture of our Space Box with wooden mobile, race to the moon, snap cards and board game

Today, we gave 2 boxes to young people on the CAMHS waiting list. These are young people with moderate to severe mental health problems. Our boxes offer them something creative, fun and educational that is related to their interests. 🎁One young person liked science and the other liked design and food, we were able to […]

E Cargo Bike Crowdfunder

Help us roll! E-cargo bike for wirral unplugged (picture with bike)

Help us reach more families with an e-cargo bike! We’ve been using a donated bike and bike trailer since 2019. It’s been a great resource, but now it’s time to expand our reach and we wanted a solution that’s low cost to run, sustainable and people- friendly! We’re raising funds this July to purchase an […]